Public Housing

A Public Housing Agency (PHA) is a governmental body that is authorized to assist in the development or operation of housing for low-income families. The goal of the Authority is to provide decent, safe, sanitary, drug-free housing in good repair to all residents. In this effort, the Authority also strives to improve living conditions for low-income families while charging only 30% of the families’ income for rent. 
The rules and regulations that govern Public Housing Authorities are determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These rules and regulations are also referenced in the Code of Federal Regulations 24 (CFR). A new CFR is released each year with updated rules and regulations. You can learn more about the Public Housing Program on HUD's website
The Public Housing Department owns and manages the agency's public housing program. Family housing, senior housing, and housing for people with disabilities fall under the department's oversight. HUD has established a formula that determines how much rent public housing residents pay. Rental payment will be the highest of the following:


  • 30% of monthly adjusted income (after allowed deductions)
  • 10% of monthly income
  • $25 minimum rent
  • Flat rent (varies by property as determined by market survey)


To view all of our forms please visit the Resources & Forms page. You may filter by "Public Housing" to see all forms and documents related to this department.