The Authority provides information to help our participants report family and income changes, contact staff, and find out more about our policies.
To view all of our forms please visit the Resources & Forms page. You may filter by "Participants" to see all forms and documents related to this department.
Whether you are a new participant in the HCV program, a current participant who wants to move, or a property owner, it can be difficult to keep track of all the steps in the lease-up process! Below is a description of each step in the process, from applying to a specific unit (Request for Tenancy Approval submission) to the first assisted payment made to the property owner from the Authority (Housing Assistance Payment).
The Authority鈥檚 Lease Up Process for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
Step 1: Request for Tenancy Approval (RTA) Submission
When you have found a unit that you want to rent and the property owner is willing to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, you or the landlord must request the Authority to approve the assisted tenancy. This is accomplished by submitting a Request for Tenancy Approval (RTA). The RTA contains important information about the rental unit selected by the family necessary for the Authority to determine whether to approve the assisted tenancy in this unit. The RTA must be submitted on or before the expiration date of the family鈥檚 voucher.
Step 2: RTA Processing
Information in the RTA packet is reviewed to determine unit, property owner, and payee eligibility. The Authority reviews documents for proof of ownership, if debts are owed to any Public Housing Agency, property management agreement and/or authorized agent(s), direct deposit form and a voided check or letter from financial institution. New property owners must obtain approval and be issued a Vendor Number by the Authority prior to requesting an inspection!
Step 3: HQS Inspection
To provide decent, safe, and sanitary conditions in all assisted homes, the Authority conducts preliminary and annual inspections on all housing units participating in the HCV program to determine whether the unit meets HUD鈥檚 basic .
The Authority鈥檚 inspections team will contact the property owner to schedule an initial inspection. Inspections will include an assessment of the unit according to the federal housing quality standards.
The property owner will receive a letter and phone call with the confirmed date and time of the inspection. The unit must be unoccupied and move-in ready, unless the family is already living in the unit, and will lease in place. The inspection results will determine the next step in the lease up process:
If the unit does not pass the inspection, the property owner will be allowed 15 days to make repairs.
If the unit does not pass the re-inspection, the Authority will cancel the RTA for that unit/property.
If the unit passes the inspection, the Authority will finalize the rent and affordability of the unit. The family should not move in the unit without SFHA prior approval.
Step 4: Determining Rent and Affordability
The Authority will determine whether the rent being charged for the unit is reasonable and whether the unit is affordable to the family. To do this, the Authority will review the rent requested by the property owner and compare it to comparable unassisted units in the building and/or neighborhood to ensure that the rent is reasonable. The Authority will then evaluate the family鈥檚 income to ensure they can afford the rent. To pass the affordability test, the family鈥檚 portion of rent and utilities may not exceed 40 percent of the family鈥檚 monthly adjusted income. If any adjustments need to be made to the rent, the Authority will contact the property owner.
Step 5: HAP Letter
Once the rent amount is accepted by the property owner and the Authority, the Authority will produce a HAP letter and provide it to the property owner. The HAP letter contains information on the family, owner, unit, lease term, total rent, rent paid to owner by the Authority, and which utilities the owner is responsible for.
If the HAP letter offer is not accepted, the Authority will cancel the RTA for that unit.
If HAP letter offer is accepted, the Authority will coordinate the execution of the HAP contract.
Step 6: Lease Signing HAP Contract Execution
After the unit passes inspection and the HAP letter is accepted, the family will sign a lease agreement and the HUD-required Tenancy Addendum with the property owner. Although the property owner will have their own lease and 鈥渉ouse鈥 rules, HUD鈥檚 Tenancy Addendum must be attached to the property owner鈥檚 lease to ensure that both parties adhere to the HCV program rules.
The property owner is required to execute a lease, in the form and manner used to execute leases with non-assisted (non-HCV) families. The lease will be reviewed by Authority. The Authority will execute the HAP contract with the property owner after obtaining a copy of the lease.
Step 7: HAP Payment
Once the HAP contract has been executed, the family may move into the unit and Housing Assistance Payments will be issued by the Authority. Housing Assistance Payments for the first month shall be prorated for a partial month based on the move-in date.
Applicants and program participants have the right to disagree with, ask questions about, and appeal certain decisions from the Authority that may adversely affect them. The process for applicant appeals of the Authority鈥檚 decisions is called an 鈥渋nformal review.鈥 For program participants, the appeal process is called an 鈥渋nformal hearing.鈥 If you are an applicant or a participant, you may request an informal review or hearing by following the below procedures.
Informal Reviews for Applicants
What can I request an Informal Review for?
You can request an informal review of a decision of denial of assistance. Denial of assistance may include any or all of the following:
Denying listing on the Authority waiting list
Denying or withdrawing a voucher
Refusing to enter into a HAP contract or approve a lease
Refusing to process or provide assistance under portability procedures
Denial of assistance based on an unfavorable history that may be the result of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
How do I request an Informal Review?
You must make a request for an informal review in writing and it must be received by the Authority either in person or by first class mail no later than 15 calendar days from the date on the Authority鈥檚 denial of assistance. The Authority must respond to the informal review or hearing request within 15 calendar days of receipt of your request.
Informal Hearings for Program Participants
What can I request an Informal Hearing for?
You can request an informal hearing for:
A determination of the family鈥檚 annual or adjusted income that is used to determine your portion of the rent paid
A determination of the appropriate utility allowance (if any) for tenant-paid utilities from the Authority鈥檚 utility allowance schedule
A determination of the family鈥檚 voucher size under the Authority鈥檚 subsidy standards
A determination to terminate assistance for a participant family because of the family鈥檚 actions or failure to act
A determination to terminate assistance because the participant has been absent from the assisted unit for longer than 180 days under the Authority鈥檚 policy
A determination to terminate a family鈥檚 Family Self Sufficiency contract, withhold supportive services, or propose forfeiture of the family鈥檚 escrow account
Denial of a Reasonable Accommodation
How do I request an Informal Hearing?
A request for an informal hearing must be made in writing and must be received by the Authority either in person or by first class mail, no later than 15 calendar days from the date of the correspondence initiating the request for a hearing (for example, from the date of a denial of reasonable accommodation). The Authority must schedule and send written notice of the informal hearing within 15 calendar days of receipt of your request.
The Authority will make an initial attempt to determine which dates and times are available to you, your representative, and Authority staff. If you do not respond within 72 hours of the initial correspondence (phone call or e-mail) then the Authority will schedule the date and time of the hearing and provide this confirmation to you.
Who can attend my Informal Hearing?
In addition to you, the participant, hearings may be attended by a hearing officer and the following applicable persons:
An Authority representative(s) and any witnesses for the Authority
Any witnesses for you, the participant
Your counsel or other representative
Any other person approved by the Authority as a reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability
More information on the Authority鈥檚 Informal Review and Informal Hearing processes can be found in the Authority鈥檚 Administrative Plan on the Authority鈥檚 website here.
What is a reasonable accommodation?
If you or anyone in your family is a person with disabilities and you require a specific accommodation to fully use our programs and services, you can request a reasonable accommodation. A reasonable accommodation could include:
TDD or TTY Devices
Conducting home visits.
Assistance to persons with limited written comprehension.
Time extensions for locating a unit when necessary, because of lack of availability of accessible units or special challenges of the family seeking the unit.
Allowing a PHA approved live-in aide to reside in the unit if that person is determined to be essential to the care of a person with disabilities, is not obligated for the support of the person with disabilities, and would not be otherwise living in the unit.
Providing large print forms.
Allowing a PHA to approve the leasing of a unit owned by a prohibited relative
Granting a larger bedroom size if needed for the presence of medical equipment
For your reasonable accommodation to be approved, there must be an identifiable relationship, or connection, between the requested accommodation and your disability. The Authority may deny your request if it cannot verify that there is a disability-related need for the accommodation or if it poses an undue financial and administrative burden. If your request is denied, the Authority will consider the availability of alternative accommodations that would effectively meet your disability-related needs. Family members, service providers, and other advocates may also make requests on your behalf.
How do I make a request for reasonable accommodation?
You should make its request in writing using the Authority鈥檚 Reasonable Accommodation Request Form found here in the following languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese. However, the Authority will consider the accommodation any time you indicate that an accommodation is needed whether or not a formal written request is submitted.
If you need help in filling out a Reasonable Accommodation Request Form, or if you want to give us your request in some other way, we will help you.
If your disability and the need for the accommodation is not known or obvious, the Authority will request third-party verification that the accommodation is necessary because of your disability. Therefore, we suggest that along with the Request Form, please also submit a third-party verification of your disability, such as a Care Provider Verification Form, which is attached to the Reasonable Accommodation Request Form, a letter from or the contact information of a doctor, other medical professional, non-medical service agency, or another reliable third-party who is in a position to know about your disability.
How long will it take to process a request of reasonable accommodation?
We will make a decision as soon as possible, at least within thirty (30) days from receipt of the request, unless you agree to an extension of time. We will let you know if we need more information or verification forms from you or if we would like to discuss other ways of meeting your needs. If we turn down your request, we will explain the reasons, and you can give us additional information if you think that will help.
Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)
The EHV program is a voucher program funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). ARPA was signed into law on March 11, 2021 and has provided approximately 70,000 EHVs for eligible public housing agencies around the United States. The Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco (Authority) was allocated 906 EHVs.
To be eligible for an EHV, individuals or families must meet at least one of the following four requirements:
Experiencing homelessness 鈥 For example, you are unsheltered, living on the street, in a vehicle, or in other places not meant for people to live.
At risk of homelessness 鈥 For example, you are couch-surfing or you recently exited a temporary rental assistance program and cannot maintain housing.
Fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking.
Recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability 鈥 For example, you are currently housed through a rental assistance housing program and are at risk of losing that housing.
These vouchers are designed to lease units on the private market, and the Authority will cover a portion of the rent based on the participant鈥檚 income.
The program requires a partnership with the and/or other organizations for direct referrals. The CoC determines whether the individual or family qualifies under one of the four eligibility categories mentioned above. If eligible, the CoC refers the family to the Authority. Upon receipt of the referral, the Authority makes a determination of eligibility to receive housing assistance.
Family Unification Program (FUP)
FUP is a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. FUP provides rental assistance for families whose lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in the placement of their children in out-of-home care or in the delay of their children returning home. The Authority administers the program in partnership with the . HSA refers FUP-eligible families to the Authority and provides case management and supportive services before and after the family is housed while the Authority administers FUP rental assistance.
To be eligible for the program, families must meet both HCV program eligibility requirements AND be referred to the Authority by HSA. Once HSA makes the referral, the Authority determines whether the family or youth meets HCV program eligibility requirements. Upon determination that the family is eligible to receive housing assistance, a voucher will be issued to the family or emancipated youth. Supportive services must be provided by HSA to FUP youths for the entire 18 months in which the youths participate in the program.
Foster Youth to Independence (FYI)
The FYI initiative is another HCV program the Authority administers in partnership with HSA. Eligible youth must be at least 18 years and not more than 24 years of age (have not reached their 25th birthday) who left foster care, or will leave foster care within 90 days, in accordance with a transition plan described in Section 475(5)(H) of the Social Security Act, and are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless at age 16 or older.
An FYI voucher issued provides housing assistance for the youth for a maximum of 36 months, at the same time HSA provides case management and supportive services to assist the young person on their path to self-sufficiency.
The Mainstream Voucher Program provides rental assistance to very low-income, disabled households. The Mainstream Program is a partnership between the Authority and the . This program currently offers over 200 vouchers and is administered through the Authority鈥檚 HCV waitlist. The waiting list for the Mainstream program is currently closed.
In order to be eligible:
At least one person in the household must be non 鈥 elderly (18 to 61 years at the time of admission) and disabled AND
Homeless OR
Transitioning out of an institutional facility or other segregated setting OR
At serious risk of institutionalization
The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program provides permanent supportive housing for eligible homeless Veterans and their families. Homeless veterans are screened by the Department of Veteran鈥檚 Affairs (VA) and then referred to the Authority. The goal of the HUD-VASH program is to combine housing assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the VA at its medical centers to enable homeless and chronically homeless veterans and their families to re-integrate in the community, remain in stable housing, and lead healthy, productive lives. The VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers, community-based outreach clinics, through VA contractors, or through other VA designated entities. Currently, the Authority has over 1,000 HUD-VASH Vouchers and partners with the San Francisco HUD-VASH Office. Individuals interested in the program should visit the VA Downtown Clinic at 401 3rd Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, and ask to speak to Housing Support or a social worker. They will be able give veterans an assessment and provide them with appropriate referrals, such as HUD-VASH and other transitional housing options. The VA Downtown Clinic also provides food, showers, access to laundry facilities, and the ability to connect with a medical or mental health provide to veterans in need.
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) is an employment-based program for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants in San Francisco designed to become economically independent. With the support of local agencies, FSS offers Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants in San Francisco case management services, referrals to educational and job training opportunities and ongoing support to aid families as they improve their quality of life while achieving family and personal goals.
Who Can Apply?
Any Section 8 and Public Housing residents 18 years of age or older. This means you do not need to be the head of household, any member of the family may apply.
Residents who are in good standing regarding their lease and residency.
Residents who are motivated to be self-sufficient and able to enroll in school, training, or actively seek employment.
Financial Incentives for Working and Increasing Monthly Rent:
As a participant of the FSS Program you become eligible for an escrow account. In short, this is a savings account that is set up in your name by the Housing Authority. Monthly deposits are made after you report increased income. (while in FSS Program)
Enrolling in the FSS Program:
Each participant in the FSS program signs a Contract of Participation and works closely with their designated coordinator. Together, through a goal setting process, they craft a road map which will be uniquely tailored to your set goals. This serves as a guide for the family to follow as they work toward goals related to higher education, career development, and financial education.
Do you want to start saving money? If the answer is "yes," then let's get started!
Fill out the interest form by
Attending an in-person group orientation. Orientations are held every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.
Meet 1:1 with an FSS Coordinator to establish goals. The coordinator will help create an Individual Training and Services Plan and review and sign the Contract of Participation with you.
Connect with service providers to complete the goals set on your contract.
Total Tenant Payment (TTP) after income increase: $400.00
Original Total Tenant Payment (TTP) (FSS Contract): -$100.00
Amount that will be deposited to your escrow account = $300.00
Name | Title | |
Hector Gomez | FSS Administrator - Public Housing | |
Sherri Malabanan | FSS Coordinator - Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) | |
Shelia Spikes | FSS Coordinator - Project Based Vouchers (PBV) | |
How long is the program?
The contract is for 5 years. Many participants have completed the program in 2-3 years.
What if I鈥檓 disabled?
Anyone may be allowed to take part in the FSS Program if they are interested in increasing their income, including people with disabilities.
Am I expected to get off Section 8 once I complete the program?
You are not expected to surrender your subsidized assistance after completion of the program
Do I have to use the funds for Homeownership?
You do not need to use your escrow funds for Homeownership, although that is always encouraged, we see people utilize it for college funds, making investments,
Have more questions?
You can reach out to for more information.
Homeownership Program
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) homeownership program allows families that are assisted under the HCV program to use their voucher to buy a home and receive monthly assistance in meeting homeownership expenses. The HCV homeownership program is available only to families that have been admitted to the HCV program. To participate in the HCV homeownership program, the HCV family must meet specific income and employment requirements (the employment requirement does not apply to elderly and disabled families), be a first-time homeowner as defined in the regulation, attend and satisfactorily complete the pre-assistance homeownership and housing counseling program required by the Authority, and meet any additional eligibility requirements set by the Authority.
Eligibility Requirements:
Have an HCV voucher
Owe no debts to the Authority (or another housing authority)
Head of household or responsible adult must be employed for minimum of one year at 30 hrs./week (unless elderly/disabled)
Must be first time homebuyer
Must participate in HUD certified Homeownership Counseling Course
Must attend a SFHA HCV Homeownership Orientation with staff
Aspects for Potential Applicants to Consider:
SFHA does not participate in down payment assistance. This will be the responsibility of the participant.
Household must qualify and secure their own financing from a bank
Strongly suggest securing a 30-year FIXED Rate loan rather than adjustable-rate mortgages
Household would need to find a unit that they could afford (a below market rate unit)
The assistance from the Authority lasts for a maximum of 15 years (except elderly/disabled)
Homeownership Program Interest Form:
Yearly, the Authority must verify the income and composition of all individuals and families participating in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. This is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to ensure that each family is paying their appropriate share of the rent and is occupying the proper sized unit.
Families are required to provide all the information the Authority needs to verify the participant鈥檚 income and composition. Even if nothing in a participant's situation has changed, they are still required to provide the requested information.
Each year participants will be mailed a reexamination packet. Normally, the process starts four months in advance of the reexamination deadline. The participant must complete all documents in the packet and return them by the due date or bring them to the office appointment. After all required documents are received, the Authority will review and will notify the participant and property owner in writing of the updated rent portion and the effective date of the change.
There could be changes to the rent if:
A participant鈥檚 income or assets have changed.
The property owner has requested a rent increase.
Someone has moved in or out of the household, which affects the number of bedrooms you are eligible for.
The payment standard or utility allowances that the Authority uses to calculate the subsidy has changed.
We encourage all participants to plan ahead and keep income and asset information for everyone in their family on file to make it easier to submit the packet by the deadline. Failure to return paperwork or attend an annual reexamination appointment may result in the termination of assistance! If there is a crisis that causes a delay, contact our Customer Care Center.
Family circumstances may change between annual reexaminations. An interim reexamination is needed there is a change in household composition or when there is a change in the household鈥檚 income. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations permit the Authority to conduct interim reexaminations of income or family composition at any time. When an interim reexamination is conducted, only those factors that have changed are verified and adjusted.
The family must notify the Authority of all changes in writing and provide all supporting documentation. The family is required to report all changes in family income and composition within 15 calendar days of the change with the exception of the birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody of a child which must be reported within 30 calendar days. Based on the type of change reported, the Authority will determine the documentation the family will be required to submit. The family must submit any required information or documents within 30 calendar days of receiving a request from the Authority. This timeframe may be extended for good cause with Authority approval. The family will be notified in writing if additional information is needed. After all required documents are received, the Authority will review and will notify the participant and property owner in writing of the updated rent portion and the effective date of the change. The Authority will accept required documentation through in-person, mail, fax or e-mail. Please find our Customer Care Center contact information here.
Is your wait list open?
The Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco (Authority) is opening its waitlist application process for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. The Authority will open waitlist applications to the public on 10/23/2023 starting at 8:00 AM PT and close applications on 11/06/2023 at 5:00 PM PT. Please note, applications not submitted by 5:00 PM PT on the closing date will not be processed further. Visit our Waitlist page for more information.
The Housing Authority manages waitlists for all of our programs including Project Based Voucher, Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs which open and close based on availability and other factors. For current information on status of open and closed wait lists, please refer here.
What are the current utility allowances for the HCV program?
You can find the current utility allowances for the HCV program here.
How can I find out about my waitlist status?
While we do not provide waitlist positions to applicants due to the ever-changing nature of the waitlist, we can confirm if applicants are active on the waitlist. Please contact our Customer Care Center to request a confirmation that you are active on our waitlist.
How much will my rent be in the Housing Choice Voucher Program?
Families in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program will generally pay at least 30% of their monthly adjusted income toward rent, not to exceed 40% of monthly adjusted income in the first year of the lease. The total tenant payment is the highest of the following amounts:
30%of the family鈥檚 monthly adjusted income
10% of the family鈥檚 monthly gross income
A minimum rent of $25
Your portion also depends on the rent of the unit you choose. If your rent is higher than the maximum subsidy the Authority can pay, you must pay the difference out of your own pocket. However, you are not allowed to rent a unit that requires you to pay more than 40% of your adjusted monthly income toward rent. If the rent is too high, you have to find another unit.
I want to move. Who should I contact?
If you are currently receiving assistance from the Authority and would like to move, please contact our Customer Care Center to begin the process.
I have a voucher with another Housing Authority, and I want to move to San Francisco. Who do I contact?
If you have a voucher and want to move to San Francisco, the following steps must be taken:
Contact your current housing authority and let them know you want to move out of their jurisdiction. Your current housing authority is required to provide you with information regarding this 鈥 often referred to as portability.
Once you have a new destination in mind, your current housing authority will gather documentation, which may include forms from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), family birth certificates, social security cards, IDs and income information, among other things, to complete your Portability Release Form.
Next, your current housing authority will mail the necessary documents to the Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco (Authority).
Do not move until you have been issued a new voucher. You will lose your housing assistance if you move before being issued a new voucher!
You must check-in with the Authority before renting a unit. We will provide you with information necessary for renting a unit in San Francisco. Do not rent a unit until it has been approved our San Francisco team. If you rent a unit without approval, you may be responsible for the full rent and lose your Housing Choice Voucher assistance.
Is there anything else I should know before deciding to relocate to another Housing Authority?
The Payment Standard may be different. This may affect the amount the Authority can contribute toward your rent.
The Authority may change the bedroom size of your Voucher which also may affect your portion of rent.
You will be required to follow the rules of the Authority.
Opens Monday, October 23, 2023 starting at 8:00 AM Pacific Time
Closes Monday, November 6, 2023 at 5:00 PM Pacific Time
Lottery Checker
Video Walk-Thru of Online Application
Application and Eligibility
How and where can an applicant apply for the HCV Waiting List?
Complete the online waitlist application using a computer or mobile device with Internet access at:
Save the confirmation number to acknowledge successful submission of the application. You can take a screenshot on your mobile device, print, e-mail, or write the number down with pen and paper.
Is there a paper copy of the application?
No, the application needs to be submitted online. There are community partners available to assist, as well as the Authority's Customer Care Call Center for assistance over the phone as well as TTY line. More info on the website: /housing-programs/waitlist
What if the applicant does not have a phone number or e-mail address?
A phone number and valid email address is required to apply. The applicant may create a new email address or use a family member鈥檚 phone number and email address; if a community partner is assisting with the application, the community partner鈥檚 phone number and email address may be used.
Will an account need to be created with a password at any point?
Applicants can register for an account in the application portal after the waitlist closes; this will allow them to make changes to their application (update address, phone number, household member information, etc.). It is not required to register for an account.
Who can apply for the HCV Waitlist?
Anyone may apply. At least one household member must be a U.S Citizen, U.S. National, or Non-Citizen with eligible immigration status. Please see additional Eligibility and Income Requirements at: /housing-programs/waitlist
Is a requirement for the household to have a valid social security number? What is the situation for mixed households?
A family is eligible for assistance as long as at least one member is a citizen, national, or eligible noncitizen. Families that include eligible and ineligible individuals are considered mixed families. At least one household member would need to have a social security number when pulled from the waitlist. There is not a requirement to provide the social to apply.
What if the parents/guardians are undocumented can they still apply if one of their dependents is a legal resident?
Yes, they may still apply.
Can two parents that are separated but have kids together both apply with the kids on both applications?
What relationships of the occupants are acceptable?
Households may be made up of a single head of household; a single head of household and a co-head of household, spouse, or domestic partner; or a single head of household with one child under five years of age.
Can family members of the same house apply separately?
Is the HCV waitlist opening for San Francisco or for all California residents?
Anyone may apply.
Can Veterans apply or do they have to go through the VA?
Veterans are welcome to apply.
If the applicant is a houseless person that alternates their living between SF and another city, which location should be on the application?
The applicant may decide which location to include on the application.
If someone has applied for the Section 8 waitlist before, can they apply this time also?
If a tenant receives rental assistance from a different resource (i.e. Catholic Charities) can they apply?
If someone submits multiple applications are there any consequences such as being disqualified
The system automatically rejects duplicate applications.
For the residents who have already submitted a project-based to tenant-based voucher request, are they already on the HCV waitlist?
No, they may also apply for the HCV waitlist during this waitlist opening.
If residents are already residing in RAD properties, are they already apart of HCV?
RAD residents are on the program and can still apply for the Section 8 HCV waitlist opening as it is a tenant-based voucher. This extends to household members of RAD properties that are not the Head of Household. RAD residents can also complete a Project Based to Tenant Based request with the Authority and be placed on the choice mobility waitlist to receive a tenant-based voucher.
How much income can a household make and still qualify for the HCV Program?
Total household income must not exceed 50% of Area Median Income (AMI) unless the family is already receiving assistance from the Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco or a different Public Housing Authority (PHA), then total household income must not exceed 80% of AMI.
Family Size |
Extremely Low30% of AMI |
Very Low50% of AMI |
Low80% of AMI |
1 |
$39,050 |
$65,050 |
$104,100 |
2 |
$44,600 |
$74,350 |
$118,950 |
3 |
$50,200 |
$83,650 |
$133,800 |
4 |
$55,750 |
$92,900 |
$148,650 |
5 |
$60,250 |
$100,350 |
$160,550 |
6 |
$64,700 |
$107,800 |
$172,450 |
Can applicants qualify for more than one preference?
No, unless an applicant qualifies for the Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran preference. The Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran may be combined with any other preference. For those not claiming the Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran preference, only one preference may be claimed.
What are the preference categories?
Below is a list of preferences that will be taken into consideration for the HCV waitlist:
Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran: (This preference can be combined with any other preference.) Are you or your spouse a veteran?
Definition: A "veteran" is defined by the Housing Authority of the City and County of San Francisco as a person who served in the active U.S. military, U.S naval, or U.S air service and who was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable.
Mainstream Voucher Preference: Are you or a member of your household a non-elderly person with disabilities who is homeless; or transitioning out of institutional and other segregated settings; or at serious risk of institutionalization?
Definition: Homeless means: An individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, meaning:
An individual or family with a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground;
An individual or family living in a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements (including congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations or by federal, State, or local government programs for low-income individuals); or
An individual who is exiting an institution where he or she resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution.
Public Housing Waitlist: Are you or a member of your household on the Public Housing waiting list?
Involuntary Displacement: Were you or a member of your household involuntarily displaced from a residence in San Francisco?
Definition: Involuntary Displacement: An applicant is considered involuntarily displaced if the applicant has vacated his or her housing unit as a result of one or more of the following actions:
Natural Disaster: A disaster such as a fire, flood or earthquake that resulted in the inhabitability of the applicant鈥檚 unit;
Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking: An applicant who has vacated due to actual or threatened domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking directed against the applicant or one or more members of the applicant鈥檚 family by a spouse or other household member, who lives in housing with an individual who engages in such violence;
Victim of Hate Crime/Violent Crime: Actual or threatened physical violence or intimidation directed against an applicant and his/her property that is based on the person鈥檚 race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, height, weight, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, domestic partner status, marital status, disability or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or HIV status (AIDS/HIV status), or association with members of such protected classes, that is documented by law enforcement agency stating that the applicant is in an immediate life-threatening situation and that an immediate transfer would minimize the problem;
Government Action: An action of a government agency related to code enforcement or public improvement or development;
Landlord Action: An action by a housing owner that results in an applicant's having to vacate his or her unit, where the reason for the owner's action was beyond the applicant's ability to control or prevent, and despite the applicant having met all previously imposed conditions of occupancy, and the action is other than a rent increase.
Application Assistance
If an applicant is a person with a disability and needs assistance in completing an application, how can they receive help?
Applicants who require assistance in completing an application, because of a disability or require language services, can call the Housing Authority鈥檚 Customer Care Center at (415) 715-5200 from 8:00 AM PT to 7:00 PM PT on weekdays and 8:00 AM PT to 12:00 PM PT on weekends during the application period. If you have a hearing impairment, please use the TTY line at (415) 467-6754.
If an applicant receives assistance from a community partner, will the community partner also receive the confirmation email?
Only one email address will receive the confirmation email. The applicant can use their own email address, or the community partner email address can be used. A list of community partners available to assist with applications may be found at the bottom of the website: /housing-programs/waitlist
After Submitting the Application
How will an applicant know whether their application was submitted?
Once an application is submitted, you will be taken to the confirmation page that shows you have completed the application process and that your information is being submitted to the Housing Authority. You will also be given a confirmation number with options to print or email the confirmation number. Applicants may also write down or take a clear picture of the confirmation number. It is important to save the confirmation number to check the lottery status after the waitlist has closed, or to register for an account in the applicant portal to make changes to the application.
Can household members be added to the application later as situations might change?
Yes, the application information can be updated to add/remove members via the application portal.
Does the confirmation email reveal any of the applicant鈥檚 information besides the confirmation number?
The confirmation email will contain the confirmation number and applicant鈥檚 name.
How will my application be placed on the waiting list?
Once the waitlist applications are closed, a lottery will be used to randomly select 6,500 applicants. The names selected through the lottery will have waitlist preferences taken into consideration and be placed on the HCV waitlist. Applying for the lottery does NOT guarantee a place on the HCV waiting list.
Waitlist and Results
Will lottery result notifications be sent in any form other than email?
The lottery result notification will be sent via email only. Additionally, a lottery checker link will be added to the website approximately one week after the waitlist closes: /housing-programs/waitlist
How will preferences affect how households are selected from the lottery?
Preferences will not affect how households are selected from the lottery. Once the waitlist applications are closed, a lottery will be used to randomly select 6,500 applicants. The names selected through the lottery will have waitlist preferences taken into consideration and be placed on the HCV waitlist. Applying for the lottery does NOT guarantee a place on the HCV waiting list.
How many names are being pulled from the lottery this round and what is the anticipated response time?
Once the waitlist applications are closed, a lottery will be used to randomly select 6,500 applicants. The names selected through the lottery will have waitlist preferences taken into consideration and be placed on the HCV waitlist. Applying for the lottery does NOT guarantee a place on the HCV waiting list. The Housing Authority expects to send an email notification regarding lottery status within one to two weeks after the waitlist is closed. You may also check the website /housing-programs/waitlist to check waitlist status. A lottery checker link will be added to this page approximately one week after the waitlist close date.
If I do not get selected for the HCV Waiting List or need immediate housing assistance, are there any housing resources available?
Please reference these resources:
Organization |
Website |
Resources |
The Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) |
Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) |
San Francisco Human Services Agency (HSA) |
| |
Compass Family Services |
Adobe Services |
Application and Eligibility
What is the Rental Assistance Demonstration/Project-Based Voucher program?
In these programs, property owners enter into long term contracts with the Authority in which the Authority provides federally funded rental assistance for qualifying tenants. In most cases, the tenant pays 30% of their income in rent. The owner is responsible for enforcing the lease and maintaining the unit in accordance with Housing Quality Standards (HQS). The tenant is responsible for abiding by the lease and complying with the Family Obligations, as well as recertifying with the Housing Authority on an annual basis. The Authority is responsible for paying the monthly Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) so long as the owner remains in compliance and the tenant remains in good standing.
What is the difference between the RAD/PBV program and the Tenant-Based Voucher program?
In the RAD/PBV program, the family鈥檚 assistance is tied to the unit in which they reside. In the Tenant-Based Voucher program, the family may move with continued assistance.
May I also apply for the Tenant-Based Voucher waitlist?
The Authority鈥檚 Tenant-Based waitlist was last open October 23, 2023 鈥 November 6, 2023. If/when the Tenant-Based waitlist reopens, public notice will be given in local media and on the Authority鈥檚 website.
How and where can an applicant apply for the RAD/PBV Waitlists?
Complete the online waitlist application using a computer or mobile device with Internet access at:
Save the confirmation number to acknowledge successful submission of the application. You can take a screenshot on your mobile device, print, e-mail, or write the number down with pen and paper.
Is there a paper copy of the application?
No, the application needs to be submitted online. There are community partners available to assist. The Authority's Customer Care Call Center also provides assistance over the phone and TTY line. More info is available on the website: /housing-programs/waitlist
What if the applicant does not have a phone number or e-mail address?
A phone number and valid email address are required to apply. The applicant may create a new email address or use a family member鈥檚 phone number and email address; if a community partner is assisting with the application, the community partner鈥檚 phone number and email address may be used.
Will an account need to be created with a password at any point?
Applicants who are selected for placement on the waitlist can register for an account in the applicant portal after the waitlist closes; this will allow them to make changes to their application (update address, phone number, household member information, etc.). It is not required to register for an account.
Who can apply for the RAD/PBV Waitlist?
Anyone may apply. At least one household member (this doesn't need to be the Head of Household) must be a U.S Citizen, U.S. National, or Non-Citizen with eligible immigration status. Please see additional Eligibility and Income Requirements at: /housing-programs/waitlist
Is there a requirement for the household to have a valid Social Security number? What is a mixed family?
At least one citizen, national, or eligible noncitizen must have a valid Social Security number. Families that include eligible and ineligible individuals are considered mixed families. At least one household member would need to have a Social Security number at such time that the family reaches the top of the waitlist and a unit becomes available. There is not a requirement to provide the Social Security number to apply.
If the parents/guardians are undocumented, can the family still apply for assistance?
Yes, they may still apply. In order to receive assistance, at least one household member must be a U.S. citizen or noncitizen with eligible immigration status. This one household member may be a minor. This would be considered a mixed family.
Can two parents that are separated but have kids together apply separately with the kids on both applications?
Can family members living in the same residence apply separately?
Is the waitlist opening only for San Francisco residents?
There is no residency requirement.
Can Veterans apply?
Veterans are welcome to apply.
If someone has applied for a Section 8 waitlist before, can they apply this time also?
If a tenant receives rental assistance from a different resource (e.g., Catholic Charities) can they apply?
What happens if I submit multiple applications?
The system automatically rejects duplicate applications.
May existing participants of the Authority's housing programs (including the Tenant-Based Voucher program, the RAD/PBV program, and the Public Housing program) or participants of another Housing Authority's rental assistance program apply?
Yes; acceptance into the RAD/PBV program will be contingent upon relinquishing your existing subsidy.
How much income can a household make and still qualify for the RAD/PBV Program?
Total household income must not exceed 50% of Area Median Income (AMI).
Family Size |
Extremely Low30% of AMI |
Very Low50% of AMI |
Low80% of AMI |
1 |
$41,150 |
$68,550 |
$109,700 |
2 |
$47,000 |
$78,350 |
$125,350 |
3 |
$52,900 |
$88,150 |
$141,000 |
4 |
$58,750 |
$97,900 |
$156,650 |
5 |
$63,450 |
$105,750 |
$169,200 |
6 |
$68,150 |
$113,600 |
$181,750 |
Can applicants qualify for more than one preference?
No, unless an applicant qualifies for the Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran preference. The Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran preference may be combined with any other preference. For those not claiming the Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran preference, only one preference may be claimed.
What are the preference categories?
Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran (+1)
Families with a Right to Return (16 points)
RAD Emergency Referral (15 points)
Residents of Residential Care Facilities for the Chronically Ill (RCFCI)/ Transitional Residential Care Facilities (TRCF) (14 points) c
Mixed Families currently residing at non-RAD units at HOPE SF sites (13 points)
Involuntarily Displaced with Residential Certificate of Preference (COP) (11 points)
Department of Homeless and Supportive Housing Referral (HSH) (7 points)
Families with minor children living in SROs with a referral from DBI (7 points)
Involuntarily Displaced from San Francisco residence (5 points)
Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran (+1)
Involuntarily Displaced with Residential Certificate of Preference (COP) (11 points)
Involuntarily Displaced from San Francisco Residence (5 points)
City Gardens
Veteran/Surviving Spouse (+1)
Families with minor children referred by the Authority to the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (DHSH) (15 points)
Families with minor children referred to the Authority by DHSH after matches between the Authority and DHSH is exhausted (13 points)
*In accordance with the rules associated with the opening and closing of waitlists outlined above, the Authority will first identify matches between the Authority鈥檚 waitlist and DHSH鈥檚 waitlist for referrals to City Gardens. After exhausting matches, the Authority will open the waitlist for City Gardens and accept referrals from the Coordinated Entry system of DHSH until the PBV units are fully occupied. Referrals after initial lease up of the building will prioritize those families with minor children who are both on the Authority鈥檚 waiting list and DHSH Coordinated Entry List followed by referrals from the Coordinated Entry system of DHSH in instances where there is no match between the two lists
Application Assistance
If an applicant is a person with a disability and needs assistance in completing an application, how can they receive help?
Applicants who require assistance in completing an application because of a disability and/or limited English proficiency, can call the Housing Authority鈥檚 Customer Care Center at (415) 715-5200 from 8:00 AM PT to 7:00 PM PT on weekdays and 8:00 AM PT to 12:00 PM PT on weekends during the application period. If you have a hearing impairment, please use the TTY line at (415) 467-6754.
If an applicant receives assistance from a community partner, will the community partner also receive the confirmation email?
Only one email address will receive the confirmation email. The applicant can use their own email address, or the community partner email address can be used. A list of community partners available to assist with applications may be found at the bottom of the website: /housing-programs/waitlist
After Submitting the Application
How will an applicant know whether their application was submitted?
Once an application is submitted, you will be taken to the confirmation page that shows you have completed the application process and that your information is being submitted to the Authority. You will also be given a confirmation number with options to print or email the confirmation number. Applicants may also write down or take a clear picture of the confirmation number. It is important to save the confirmation number to check the lottery status after the waitlist has closed, or to register for an account in the applicant portal to make changes to the application.
Can household members be added to the application later as situations might change?
Yes, the application information can be updated to add/remove members via the applicant portal.
Does the confirmation email reveal any of the applicant鈥檚 information besides the confirmation number?
The confirmation email will contain the confirmation number and applicant鈥檚 name.
How will my application be placed on the waitlist?
Once the waitlist applications are closed, a lottery will be used to randomly select 10,000 applicants. The names selected through the lottery will be placed on the applicable waitlist and sorted according to applicable waitlist preferences. Applying for the lottery does NOT guarantee a place on the RAD/PBV waiting list.
The lottery slots will be allocated from by bedroom size for the following six waitlists. If there are less applicants than lottery slots for a particular bedroom size, the random draw will include less than 10,000 names.
Waitlist Name |
0 BR |
1 BR |
2 BR |
3 BR |
4 BR |
5 BR |
6 BR |
Total |
City Gardens |
50 |
10 |
10 |
70 |
PBV 55+ |
25 |
45 |
70 |
PBV 62+ |
165 |
175 |
30 |
10 |
10 |
390 |
PBV No Restriction |
2,805 |
660 |
480 |
275 |
25 |
10 |
4,255 |
RAD 62+ or Disabled |
2,855 |
450 |
110 |
10 |
3,425 |
RAD No Restriction |
105 |
345 |
855 |
390 |
75 |
10 |
10 |
1,790 |
Grand Total |
5,955 |
1,675 |
1,525 |
695 |
120 |
20 |
10 |
10,000 |
Waitlist and Results
Will lottery result notifications be sent in any form other than email?
The lottery result notification will be sent via email only. Additionally, a lottery checker link will be added to the website approximately one week after the waitlist closes: /housing-programs/waitlist
How will preferences affect how households are selected from the lottery?
Once the waitlist applications are closed, a lottery will be used to randomly select 10,000 applicants. Preferences do not give a household a higher likelihood of being selected in the waitlist lottery to be placed on the RAD/PBV waitlist. Applying for the lottery does NOT guarantee a place on the RAD/PBV waiting list.
How many households are being selected from the lottery to be placed on the waitlist?
Once the waitlist applications are closed, a lottery will be used to randomly select 10,000 applicants.
The lottery slots will be allocated from by bedroom size for the following six waitlists. If there are less applicants than lottery slots for a particular bedroom size, the random draw will include less than 10,000 names
Waitlist Name |
0 BR |
1 BR |
2 BR |
3 BR |
4 BR |
5 BR |
6 BR |
Total |
City Gardens |
50 |
10 |
10 |
70 |
PBV 55+ |
25 |
45 |
70 |
PBV 62+ |
165 |
175 |
30 |
10 |
10 |
390 |
PBV No Restriction |
2,805 |
660 |
480 |
275 |
25 |
10 |
4,255 |
RAD 62+ or Disabled |
2,855 |
450 |
110 |
10 |
3,425 |
RAD No Restriction |
105 |
345 |
855 |
390 |
75 |
10 |
10 |
1,790 |
Grand Total |
5,955 |
1,675 |
1,525 |
695 |
120 |
20 |
10 |
10,000 |
How long after the waitlist closes will I receive notification of whether or not my application was selected in the lottery to be placed on the waitlist?
The Housing Authority expects to send an email notification regarding lottery status within one to two weeks after the waitlist is closed. You may also check the website /housing-programs/waitlist to check waitlist status. A lottery checker link will be added to this page approximately one week after the waitlist close date.
If I do not get selected for the PBV/RAD Waitlist or need immediate housing assistance, are there any housing resources available?
Please reference these resources:
Organization |
Website |
Resources |
The Mayor's Office ofHousing and CommunityDevelopment (MOHCD) |
Eviction HelpRental HousingHomeownership |
Department of Homelessness andSupportive Housing (HSH) |
Temporary ShelterRental Assistance |
San Francisco HumanServices Agency |
Housing AssistanceAdult AssistanceFamily Services |
| |
Rental Search |
Compass Family Services |
GroceriesDiaper BankToiletriesMail Pick UpCommunity Referrals |
Adobe Services |
Resources for Currently orPreviously Homeless |