

COVID-19 Schedule and Update

Due to COVID-19, in order to keep our community and employees safe, the Authority strongly encourages virtual communication. The Authority is available for general inquiries via phone and e-mail from 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday.
Phone: (415) 715-5200
Fax: (415) 406-3823
TTY: (415) 467-6754
If you're an applicant, participant, landlord, neighbor, or community member, we invite you to find specific contact information by selecting the appropriate drop-down menu.


If you have a tenant-based voucher and searching for a unit, or on a waitlist:
If you are scheduling a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection:

Link to Special Programs Description:
SFHA Special Programs
If you are a new or existing participant in the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program:
If you are a new or existing participant in the Family Unification Program (FUP), Foster Youth to Independence (FYI), or Homeownership Program:
Link to Homeownership Program Interest Form 
If you are a new or existing participant in the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program
Link to Family Self-Sufficiency Interest Form 
If you are a new or existing participant in the Mainstream Voucher Program:
If you are a new or existing participant in the VASH Veterans Program:
If you are interested in transferring your rental subsidy from one jurisdiction to another:

If you are a property owner and need assistance with the portal:

If you are not a current voucher holder, or have general inquiries:

The California Public Records Act provides the public with the right to access public records in the possession of public agencies and the Brown Act governs the public right's to attend local government meetings.
Press Inquiries/Public Records Requests

All requests for press inquiries and public records can be emailed to the Authority at
Service fees: The Authority may charge 25 cents per page for copying documents. 
Service of Subpoenas/Service of Claims

Direct all subpoenas to the Legal Department. If via mail, send to: 1815 Egbert Ave, 3rd Floor Attn: Legal Department, San Francisco, CA, 94124. For in-person drop off: ask lobby clerk at 1815 Egbert Ave, 1st Floor Lobby to contact the 3rd Floor to receive subpoena. NOTE: DO NOT LEAVE SUBPOENA WITH LOBBY CLERK. 
Employee's personal business: Process servers are not permitted at the Authority鈥檚 locations to personally serve an employee in a private matter. California law permits the process server to serve a subpoena at the work site after three unsuccessful attempts to serve a person at home. In such cases, subpoenas may be accepted by the Legal Department at 1815 Egbert Ave. The subpoena will then be forwarded to the relevant employee.
Witness fees: A witness fee will be charged when requesting employees to testify or be deposed. 
