Commission Meeting Calendar


Regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners are held on the fourth Thursday of the month and commence at 4:00 pm, unless otherwise noted. Regular meetings for the Development, Finance, and Operations Committee are held on the third Wednesday of the month and commence at 2:00pm, unless otherwise noted. The schedule of upcoming meetings is indicated below.


Board of Commissioners meetings are held in-person at City Hall, 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102, Room 408, unless otherwise noted. Development, Finance, and Operations Committee meetings are held in-person at 1815 Egbert Ave, San Francisco, CA 94124, 2nd Floor Conference Room, unless otherwise noted. Members of the public may attend meetings in-person or remotely via Zoom. Members of the public can provide public comment regardless of their method of attendance.


For access to the online live stream of the Board of Commissioners meetings, please navigate to the San Francisco Gov TV website via: .


Please click on the link provided for the Board of Commission and Development, Finance, and Operations Committee meeting agendas and commission books predating March 2022: